Thursday, December 30, 2010

God's Answer To Our Prayers

By Ronnie Spangler

As more and more folks head to church to pray for help during these perilous times I wonder what God may be thinking. Could it be the following:

I heard you in your hour of need,

But they were simply prayers of greed.

You asked that I should lead the way,

But failed to hear the words I say.

To hear these words you must repent,

Then open your hearts to the son I sent.

Your faith in me and my son

will lead your way to act as one.

Open up your heart and mind

Guidance, comfort and peace on earth

You will find.

I heard your children weep and pray

Still your nation looked away.

Now you wonder if I'm gone,

and if you're on this path alone.

If you place your faith in me

The answer's here for you to see.

May God Continue To Bless The USA

Excerpt from a book I authored in 2007.

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry Funeral

by Ronnie Spangler

The parents of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry speak on local news about the murder of their son and lack of interest by President Obama and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano. Maybe this is why there has been such a lack of interest in this story by the National Media.

Please watch and listen KGUN 9.

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Friday, December 10, 2010

Fairness Doctrine

By Ronnie Spangler

I recently came across the following article and with talk of bringing back the so-called Fairness Doctrine wondered if people could attribute the article to the actual person that wrote it.

Please read it and pick the author from the list at the bottom. You can leave your selection in the comment section or twitter your selection.

"There are some people that think that being fair isn't a big deal, but not me. I think the world could be a better place if people would be fair to one another. Being unfair is very hurtful, because you aren't fair, it makes people feel like they aren't as important as others. Then it begins to cause trouble.

Everybody deserves a fair chance to prove they are a good person and a hard worker. After they've done that, there should be no reason to make differences between people. God made us all the same and he expects us to treat each other right.

If we were all given the same chances, there would more happiness than sadness. There would be enough money to go around without some people being rich and some people being really poor. It isn't fair that I have enough food to eat and others have no food to eat. It isn't fair that pretty people have more friends than ugly people; we are all the same on the inside. We all have a heart. We all need love and we all need friends.

So, I'm going to work really hard to be a fair person because when you do good then good comes back to you. Imagine the world if it were fair. There would be no more war or fighting. I would like to live in that world!"

The article has not been widely publicized. It was written for a select few with the hope that it would sway its readers in the direction of the author.

Below are the candidates, please select one and submit it in the comment section or on Twitter @Fairness Doctrine


a) President Barack Obama

b) 1st Lady Michelle Obama

c) Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi

d) Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

e) 4th Grade Student

f) Member of Berkley California City Council

The correct answer can be found on

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