Saturday, December 13, 2008

Recession, Inflation, Depression


Ron Spangler

Old news, America is in a state of recession. During the national election no politician or media outlet wanted to face the fact. Everyone was too intent on making history and bringing about change in America. The so called experts in the economy and the media analyst that were so all knowing and paraded before the camera every night have now all but disappeared. They have been replaced with more experts that believe the government can solve the problem by simply spending our way out of debt. I am not an expert but this seems crazy.

What the experts are not saying is with unemployment rising and production of goods being cut to an all time low, prices will go up for the limited quantity of goods on the open market. In their effort to put more people back to work by recreating Depression Era programs our new President and Congress will feed the flames of inflation. The seeds have already been sewn by our current President and current Congress. President elect Obama, Speaker Pelosi, and Senator Reid are promising more of the same. With all of his good intentions and desire to relieve some of the suffering Americans are experiencing, President Bush has fallen into a trap. With or without his knowledge we are witnessing America turning into a Socialist State. It is no secret that Maxine Walters and others in Congress have always felt the government can run private business better than private business leaders. With help from our new Congress I fear George Soros' plan for a one world economy will only intensify with a Democrat President.

Every economist and politician you talk to blames the current economic crisis on the housing bubble and unwillingness of the banks to give out credit. Politicians except no responsibility for the home loans and relative ease of people to receive loans that were forced upon the banks by our government. While this was part of the problem it is not the only reason our economy is in the shape it is today. Think back to the days before the bubble busted. The cost of everything was steadily increasing. Some speculators jumped into the markets and started to use the markets for personal greed and political reasons. Billionaires and millionaires played the stock market through hedge funds to make millions and billions more with a total disregard for the future of the country or the economy. The very nature of any market is to gamble that you can buy low when stocks are down and sell them at a higher price or live off of the dividends. Nothing illegal but some speculators made a run on certain stocks and then put out some kind of rumor that led people to believe these stocks would have a drastic increase in value. As soon as the stocks reached a profitable enough margin to satisfy the speculators they would short sell all of their stocks and start all over again. Other speculators hit the commodities market for purely political reasons.

In the case of oil what better way to bring down the economy and sew discontent amongst the voters than to force an outrageous and unnecessary increase on the price of oil. People like George Soros are not stupid people, uncaring, callous, and power hungry yes but stupid no. Would billionaires like Soros really be willing to destroy the world's economy and risk everything for more power in running the governments of the world, yes. Oil always has been and always will be the life blood of every economy. The world depends on oil for everything we produce from medicine, food, electronics, and clothing, to the transportation needs of the world. Take away our oil supply and the world will stop.

For some reason we cannot understand how important and how vital oil has become to mankind's very existence. People refuse to accept or learn from lessons of the past. What really caused our economy to crash was the attack on the oil market. When the price of oil went over $80 a barrel everything went up. Ordinary people went deeper in debt, companies cut back and began loosing money, the government turned a blind eye and allowed the price to continue. Politicians used the downturn in the economy and the high price of oil to promise all kinds of change and better days ahead if only they were elected. Politicians and experts told us new technology would solve our problems by making us less dependent on oil. We heard that before but somehow forgot that without oil new technologies cannot be invented or produced. The same politicians that made these promises never for a minute understood or imagined how much damage the price of oil would have on the future of our economy.

Now that the price of oil is down, miraculously right after the elections ended, what will happen with our economy? Unfortunately the future looks bleak. The new President and Congress will spend like drunken sailors or FDR and create more and more national debt for our children to pay. At some point inflation will hit double digit numbers and taxes will be raised simply to pay the interest on all of the borrowing our government is doing. There will be more people working for the government than private business. Companies and entire industries will be nationalized and eventually we will slip into another Great Depression. Because of the distrust, religious and cultural differences, and outright hatred of the United States by the Islamic world, George Soros and his followers will never see their plan for a One World Economy.

Is this a pessimistic doomsday prediction of times to come? Maybe it is. Can we change it? Probably not. It is true, we reap what we sew. The seeds we sowed in the last election will produce a Chicago style government and nothing we do can stop it. If President Obama should have to step down for any reason what do we have left? President Biden? President Pelosi? I really have to give President Obama congratulations on a well run extraordinary campaign. His time in Chicago has been well spent.

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Monday, October 27, 2008

Pelosi Reid Obama Spells Dictatorship


by Ron Spangler

With the election just eight days away the question has become, will American voters vote to transform America into a country ran under the dictatorship of a one party government of Pelosi, Reid and Obama or will we continue to have a balanced two party system.

Recent and past comments by Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Barney Frank, Maxine Walters and Joe Biden are comments that carry one common theme. Taken in totality the comments leave little doubt that the Far Left Democrats are determined to control American business and the free market system. This will be Socialism in its truest form and will lead to a stagnant economy that will threaten the freedom and well being of all Americans.

Senator Biden was right about our enemies abroad. They cannot wait until we are totally controlled by the three Amigos and the Democrat Party. Having a young far left and naive President is something they have been praying for ever since Jimmy Carter was defeated by President Reagan. What our founding fathers feared more than anything else was the day that our three separate and distinct parts of government would be controlled by one single party. They knew this would be the same as declaring the President and leader of the party, King. The very thing our founding fathers risked their lives and freedom to defend against could very well happen in 2009.

When American voters step into the booth they would be wise to ask, what type of country do we want to pass on to our children. Are we willing to sit back and watch as Maxine Walters attempts to nationalize the oil companies (her comment)? Are we willing to allow President Obama to "spread the wealth", as he sees fit? Are we willing to take a chance and face a national crisis and challenge from our enemies, because they want to "test the mettle" of Obama, Biden's comments? Do we really want to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine, basically controlling free speech? Do we want to see ordinary people investigated and their lives destroyed because they asked their public figures a simple question? In short, are we willing to watch as our country, that so many Americans fought and died to defend, slowly but deliberately turns itself into a Socialist State.

This November Americans will be deciding whether or not we will remain the government of the people, by the people, for the people or will we be the government of King Obama and the Three Amigos.

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Monday, October 20, 2008

Testing Obama Metal, Joe Biden

by Ron Spangler

As reported by ABC News

"Mark my words," the Democratic vice presidential nominee warned at the second of his two Seattle fundraisers Sunday. "It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don't remember anything else I said. Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy."

The report continued:
"We do not have the military capacity, nor have we ever, quite frankly, in the last 20 years, to dictate outcomes," he cautioned. "It's so much more important than that. It's so much more complicated than that. And Barack gets it."

"I can give you at least four or five scenarios from where it might originate," Biden said to Emerald City supporters, mentioning the Middle East and Russia as possibilities.

Here is another scenario laid out in "Welcome To The United Socialist States of America"

" Using the economic down turn and public mistrust of Wall Street the nationalization of the banks and markets in America will be swift. Corporate taxes and taxes on all business in America will reach a new all time high. New tariffs will be placed on companies with plants outside of American borders. If companies don't agree to keep their production facilities within the United States and pay the highest corporate tax in the world, they could see their companies nationalized. This New World Order will be the agenda of a President and Congress intent on Socializing America. They will be following the blueprints and book written by George Soros.

Congress will inact the Windfall Profit Tax on oil companies and subsidize the cost of fuel at the pumps. As business reacts to the higher taxes and begin to rebel, Congress will make an example by nationalizing American oil companies and refineries within American borders. As markets around the world continue to have violent reaction to the heavy handed regulations placed upon them by the American Congress, the President will embark upon a new world summit where the markets will be redesigned to fall into the New World Order with George Soros leading the way.

With the world facing another Great Depression and maybe another World War, Europe will capitulate under threats and pressure from Russia, China, Iran and America. The promise of economic stability and world peace will be so great that the idea of a one world economy and monetary system will be a minor price to pay.

In order to reach an economic agreement with the other nations, President Obama will agree to a final solution on the subject of Israel and the Middle East. There will be a timetable agreed to by the Nations involved but neither the agreement or timetable will be made available to the public or Israel. President Obama will be well into his first term before events agreed upon within the agreement begin to take place. Iran pressured by Russia and China will agree to wait until the world's economy has stabilized before acting upon the secret agreement with President Obama.

This is one scenario facing the world and America under the leadership of a President Obama. Whether it is a realistic scenario or not, nobody knows. We do know that "redistribution of wealth" is one of the major tennacles of socialism. We know that Putin is the true power in Russia and he is determined to resurrect the Soviet Union under a Socialist government. We know the leaders in Iran are determined to be a super power in the Middle East and they will not stop until they have gained complete control of the area. They will not rest until they have a nuclear bomb and they are convinced President Obama will not stop them from achieving nuclear capability. We also know China would look upon an Obama Administration as another failed Carter Administration. They know President Obama would never consider a war with China over Taiwan. Negotiations with a country turning away from a capitalist economy to a country embracing socialism are negotiations China has been waiting for."

Was this one of the "at least four or five scenarios" Senator Biden was talking about, only time will tell.


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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Obama Supporters Talk About Obama


Joe Biden Before VP Selection

Joe Biden Now

Hillary Clinton Then= Obama's Honesty

Hillary Then= Obama's Experience

Bill Clinton Then= Obama's Experience

True Obama Supporters

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The Real Barack Obama Agenda


by Ron Spangler
The Hidden Barack Obama Agenda= One World Order

Redistribute Wealth= Socialism

Illegal Immigration and Drivers License

Sex Education In Schools

Foreign Affairs Meeting With Our Enemies

Surrender In Iraq= The War Is Lost

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CNN; KFC, Watermelon, Donkeys Are Racist


by Ron Spangler
Americans must be very careful not to offend anyone in the black community or risk being outed as a racist. Among other things we cannot in any way associate Barack Obama with a Donkey, Kentucky Fried Chicken, or Watermelons. These things including pictures of any or all, have become the exclusive property of the black community. Forget that most people in America and other parts of the world grew up eating chicken or watermelon and donkeys were introduced into America by European and Spanish countries. To be Politically correct, white Americans can no longer speak of these three things using satire or comedy since it would be insensitive towards blacks in America.

This has been decided by CNN and the rest of the Obama supporting media in America. Until the Fairness Doctrine can be reinstated by the next Congress and signed into law by President Obama, it seems the media has decided what people can and cannot say. Just ask Joe The Plumber what can and will happen if you ask Sen Obama the wrong question.

I grew up eating fried chicken, watermelon and and knew a lot of people that owned donkeys, mules, or horses. Some were white people and some were black people. I never knew until today that any of the three belonged to any one race or culture. I would like to thank CNN and all of the Obama supporters for enlightening this poor backwoods boy.

I promise I will never associate myself with anything or anyone that displays a donkey as a symbol of anything other than the black community or culture. Further I will boycott any restaurant that is offering fried chicken or watermelon without acknowledging the African culture.

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Saturday, October 11, 2008

Another Knife In The Back


by Ron Spangler
When will Senator McCain learn he cannot trust a Democrat. As he should have learned years ago there are no honest respectable politicians in the Democratic Party, only back stabbers that will do or say anything to win. Want proof? Just today
Georgia congressman John Lewis accused John McCain and Sarah Palin of stoking hate. Basically comparing them to former Alabama Governor, Presidential Candidate and segregationist George Wallace.

I cannot believe there are any intelligent people on the planet that would believe for a minute that John McCain could have an ounce of racism running through his body. McCain is the same man that just recently praised John Lewis and Barack Obama. What does McCain get in return, a cold hard blade in the back. Why did Lewis say:

"Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin are sowing the seeds of hatred and division, and there is no need for this hostility in our political discourse."

Lewis went on:

"George Wallace never threw a bomb," Lewis noted. "He never fired a gun, but he created the climate and the conditions that encouraged vicious attacks against innocent Americans who were simply trying to exercise their constitutional rights. Because of this atmosphere of hate, four little girls were killed on Sunday morning when a church was bombed in Birmingham, Alabama."

The reason he is saying such despicable things, he wants Barack to win no matter what.

And where is Barack Obama? His reply to Senator McCain's anger for Lewis's remarks? In Pennsylvania Barack said: "I have always said we owe our gratitude to Senator McCain for his past service. But......"

So whose playing the race card? It has and always will be the media (CNN, MSNBC, and NBC in particular). They don't come right out and make accusations but instead make inferences by posing the questions and constantly debating if McCain supporters or anyone that votes for McCain are hidden racists.

Who else is playing the race card? The Obama campaign and his supporters. Like John Lewis, any attempt at questioning Obama will be dealt with in the swiftest and most effective manner. The swiftest and most direct manner to stop a questioner and place the person on defense is to accuse the person of being racist with the questions. Its a great strategy but it is wearing very thin.

John McCain is the last person you could in any way connect or equate to George Wallace. It is not only absurd, it is below racist to suggest this insane idea. Lewis, Obama the Congressional Black Caucus and the entire leadership of the NAACP owes John McCain an apology. Being in the position of leadership that John Lewis holds only leaves me to believe this is not the rantings of a single man.

One more example of why we cannot trust Barack Obama.

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Dangers Of Voter Registration Fraud


By Ron Spangler
By now most Americans have heard or read something about all of the voter registration fraud going on in American. Most of the political pundits and commentators look at it and say its not important in the election. They would have people believe that our election process at the local level is so secure that even though the dead have been registered and some individuals have registered up to 70 times, they will be caught if they try to vote and their votes will not be counted.

They point to all of the good things ACORN (the biggest culprit behind registration fraud) has accomplished, like registering 1.3 million new voters. They gloss over the fact that ACORN is pushing all new voters to sign up as Democrats and vote for Obama. These pundits and commentators that are passing themselves off to be legitimate journalists overlook the obvious danger in voter registration fraud. Remember a lot of these folks are the same ones that deny Democrats like Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Maxine Walters, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and yes Barack Obama had anything to do with the current economic crisis.

The most glaring danger of registration fraud results in a form of voter suppression. If you watch news reports and watch the polls, McCain supporters will get the impression it is all over and their votes will be meaningless. With so many new Democrat registrations and so few McCain supporters how in the world could McCain ever win? With this in mind, why should we even bother to vote? According to television reports and all of the polls, Democrats will sweep the election at both the National and Local levels. So why should Republicans and Independent McCain supporters waste their time? Doesn't America deserve what she gets if Obama and the Democrats gain complete control of both the Congress and White House?

These are depressing and defeatists thoughts that could lead many to stay home and not bother to vote. After all if you're a Indianapolis Colts fan and their opponent is leading the game by 21 points with only 5 minutes left, isn't it time to leave the stadium or turn the channel. Maybe not. Ask any NFL fan what can happen in the last 5 minutes of a football game, especially with Peyton Manning and the Colts. Many a day I have been on the edge of my chair ready to change the channel. Unfortunately for me sometimes I did change the channel only to find out after it was over that the Colts stepped up and won the game in the last 2 or 3 minutes. I can't explain the remorse I felt for not hanging in and having faith.

Unlike the clowns on television and experts running the polls I will not give in, give up, or voluntarily surrender America to Obama and the Democrats like the ones that are truly responsible for the economic chaos facing America. Groups like ACORN can do whatever they like to discourage me but it will not happen. Senator McCain may not have it in his DNA to attack a fellow Senator with stories he believes to be untrue or use character assassination to win an election, but he does place the interest of America and the American people above all else. I cannot say the same is true for Senator Obama and the Democratic Party. If McCain supporters act like NFL fans and stay true to their team, never give up and stay involved they cannot lose.

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Friday, October 10, 2008

Ten Reasons You Might Be A Racist


by Ron Spangler

According to the liberal media there are telltale signs to look for when determining if someone is a racist. This election has become so politically correct you may not know you are a racist until you find out from the Obama supporters that you are in fact a racist. Here are ten ways the media determines if you are a racist:

1) If you use Barack's full name, Barack Hussein Obama, in a sentence.

2) If you question Barack's judgment for not knowing Bill Ayres' background when every other Democrat in Chicago politics did.

3) Asking for a complete investigation of Barack's past association with groups like ACORN, past Weather Underground members, Louis Farrakhan, Reverend Wright and others.

4) Asking Barack for his complete medical record instead of a one page document.

5) Questioning his character for throwing anyone off the Obama bus if he thinks they could in any way become a liability for his quest to become president.

6) Question Barack's honesty for promising the voters everything and anything when he knows with the world economy tanking, he will not be able to deliver on half of what he has promised.

7) Question statements from Michele Obama.

8) Question his knowledge and qualifications to be Commander In Chief.

9) Question his refusal to have direct open debates with unscripted unrehearsed voters in a real town hall setting.

10) Question his background and record, or lack thereof.

Bottom line with most of the media in the tank for Barack Obama and most Americans believing what they see on TV, any opponent of Obama will have a mountain so high that it will be virtually impossible to climb. I wish Senator McCain the best for his brave attempt to beat Barack, but I am afraid he is about to find out the media can inflict much more pain and suffering than the North Vietnamese did during his stay in the Hanoi Hilton.

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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Obama Presidency The First Term


by Ron Spangler

If you listen to the pundits and believe the polls, it is increasingly clear Barack Obama will be the next President of the United States. With this in mind I have looked into all of his campaign promises and plans for his first term in office. Throughout his campaign he has made it perfectly clear that he intends to be a two term President. With the current state of our economy I have only looked at what could be the results a first term Obama Administration.

It is unclear if President Bush and his Administration can stop the downward spiral our economy and the market is experiencing. The results of the actions he has taken to calm the markets and free up credit will not be known until after the election. For the sake of argument I have looked into the future with an optimistic view. I have given our economy and markets the benefit of doubt and see President Obama inheriting an economy/market on the rise and the job market showing a modest increase.

After his inauguration and keeping to his campaign promises, President Obama will announce our immediate withdrawal from Iraq starting in February 2009 and ending in August 2010.

He will submit to Congress his tax plan to repeal the Bush tax cuts, institute a windfall profits tax on oil companies, raise corporate tax rates and mandate that all small business with ten or more employees and a gross income level above $250,000, provide health care for their employees.

The immediate results of President Obama's action will be Russia signing a mutual defense agreement with Venezuela allowing Russian missiles to be placed in Venezuela and declaring any attack on Venezuela will be considered an attack on Russia. President Obama will declare this unacceptable,call for a meeting with the Russian President and call for sanctions against Russia if they place missiles on Venezuelan soil.

Iran will call for immediate talks with high level Administration officials to plan for talks between Obama and Ahmadinejad. Obama will agree and send his Secretary of State to Iran to work out the details of their meeting. After the Secretary of State returns, Obama will announce a Camp David Summit will be held and Ahmadinejad' agreement to negotiate his country's plans for nuclear plants in Iran.

Obama will emerge from Camp David and announce Ahmadinejad has agreed to allow limited inspections of their nuclear power plants and they have no intentions of using nuclear weapons against Israel. Iran will also promise to help America in our effort to reduce the increased attacks on our troops in Afghanistan. Of course the inspections will continue to be stalled by Iranian bureaucrats until the dirty little secret comes out that Iran has finally obtained a nuclear weapon from North Korea that is capable of striking Israel. We will also learn that Iran has been secretly arming the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Pakistan. Obama will announce a summit meeting with our European Allies to deal with both the Russian and Iranian threats.

The corporate tax increase will cause large corporations to immediately announce a corporate wide job freeze and an immediate restructuring of all domestic operations. Foreign corporations like Toyota and Honda will reconsider building products in the United States. Most small businesses will not be exempt from the new taxes and insurance mandates because the law will be defined as "Companies with a Gross Income Level below $250,00 are exempt." As small business owners learn they cannot deduct normal business expenditures from their gross income to qualify as a small business they begin to close their companies and file for bankruptcy.

With the increased cost of foreign oil, a double digit unemployment rate, and increased tensions around the world, markets and economies will crash by the summer of 2010. Chaos will return to the Middle East, Russia will move on Georgia and Ukraine, we will retreat from Iraq and Afghanistan and the world will be on the brink of WWIII.

Most people especially Obama supporters will shrug this off as fear mongering or the predictions of a madman. I would ask you to take a close look at the man and explain how, with the world economy and the threats we face from abroad, can Obama keep the promises he has made. To this date he still refuses to admit he will not be able to keep all of these promises. To Obama it is inconceivable to believe Putin or Ahmadinejad would think Obama would be another weak Jimmy Carter. He doesn't understand that to people like this the word negotiate is the same as surrender.

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Sunday, October 5, 2008

Breaking News: Biden Will Step Down


As I reported in my Sept 17th post Hilliary Towing Obama Line Senator Biden will step down as Senator Obama's running mate. It will happen this week. Obama will make the announcement only hours before or after the Oct 7th Presidential Debate. Hillary Clinton will replace Biden and the expected outcome, from DNC insiders, will be an overwhelming Obama/Clinton jump in the polls.

The scenario that has been decided upon by the Obama strategist and agreed to by Senator Biden is being played out this weekend. The illness of Senator Biden's mother-in-law is nothing new. Senator Biden and his wife of 30 years, Jill Biden, knew Bonnie Jacobs was terminally ill before Senator Biden accepted the position of Senator Obama's running mate. The excuse Senator Biden will give for his decision to step down is simple and will probably work to bring Hillary supporters back to the Obama camp. It will be simply he must step down to help his wife and family deal with the terrible crisis facing their family.

The American public will understand and admire Senator Biden for his decision. Anyone that has lost a family member will understand that Senator Biden will not be able to give the campaign his full attention and would probably hinder Senator Obama's chances of being elected. What voters have not been told is Obama has promised Biden a cabinet level position in an Obama Administration.

The mainstream media will not report nor will they look into whether any deals were made between Obama, Biden and Clinton. They will except at face value the reasons given and heavily criticize anyone that may suggest this was nothing more than another Obama "Change."

Hillary supporters that have been informed of what is about to take place are ecstatic but some DNC insiders that I have talked to are worried. The insiders are afraid people may see this as a gamble that could backfire. They are afraid Biden could make one of his famous gaffs and let it out that a deal was made dependent more on the Vice Presidential debate and less on anything else.

They have pointed out that while they have worked hard to make Senator Biden sound like a caring single father that has worked hard to raise his children and carry on his duties as a U. S. Senator, it has not worked as well as they hoped. Senator Biden's first wife Neilia was killed in an accident on Dec 18, 1972, only six weeks after he was first elected to the Senate. Less than three years later he met his current wife Jill. After meeting Biden, Jill along with other Biden family members helped Senator Biden raise his sons while Joe was fulfilling his duties as a Senator. They were married in 1977 and Jill became a full time mom.

Some in the left wing media attributed the accident to a "drunk driver" but the driver of the truck was cleared of any responsibility for the accident. In the past Senator Biden blamed the accident on the driver of the truck and implied he was drunk at the time. A blood test was taken of the semi driver and it was later determined that Neilia had probably been distracted by the children and pulled out in front of the truck.

Over the years since Senator Biden has been in public office, he has been well known for his many gaffs (lies) and plagiarisms. Now it seems they are finally catching up with him. The media is very forgiving of him because the man simply cannot help himself. The public has accepted it as "Oh, that's just Joe. You really can't believe what he says but he means well." The question is will the voters be as forgiving of Obama and his judgment for first selecting Biden then throwing him off the bus like he has done so many others.

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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Families Playing Games Together Again

Made popular by tailgaters this game is catching on across the country. Any age can play and tournaments are popping up around America. Not only for outdoor entertainment it can now be played indoors too.

The name of the game ? Cornhole or Corn Toss.

Not only popular at family reunions it has become a priority for company picnics and tournaments are being held at state fairs. Read Columbus Dispatch Article

As a local custom builder and player I can attest to how the game is catching on throughout the south. This is a perfect way to get the family outdoors and away from the TV and computer games. The whole family can enjoy fun times together. Can be taken on picnics, camping or any occasion. Not just for tailgaters anymore.

Watch the video to learn more:

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Monday, September 22, 2008

Speculators Return To Oil Market

by Ron Spangler

As Congress debates a plan to save the financial markets on wall street, it appears speculators are leaving the stock market and returning to the commodities market especially in the oil market. After it was announced the oil market was under investigation and some speculators were found to be illegally manipulating the market, they retreated to the stock market and began short selling. As a result the price of oil began to fall. This was by no means the sole reason for the drop in the price of crude oil but it did play a role.

Now while Congress is busy with the Paulson bailout plan and short selling has been temporarily banned, speculators have returned to oil and the result is ever increasing prices for a barrel of oil. Since the current crisis began the price of oil has steadily increased from a low of $91 to the current $120. Most people will attribute the increase on hurricane Ike and the disruption of the supply of oil from the Gulf Coast area. They will also point to OPEC's decision to cut production. I would argue both have played a minor role in the increase for the simple reason that America's demand for oil has decreased dramatically.

The real culprit is nothing more than greed. Across the Southeast there have been increased complaints of price gouging at the pumps. As soon as hurricane Ike landed the price at the pump went as high as a dollar more per gallon. The reason given at the time was speculation that we would see gas shortages nationwide. Contrary to some media reports it didn't happen. Some gas stations have posted signs they are out of regular unleaded gas but are selling higher grade gas at you guessed it, ridiculously higher prices. Reports are coming out that these stations are really closing their lower grade less expensive pumps not because of a shortage but instead they are holding back in order to push the sale of their more expensive fuel. Employees have reported they were told to shut down their less expensive fuel pumps even though the storage tanks were full. As State Attorney Generals around the Southeast and Midwest started investigating these claims the price of fuel went down and overnight stations that didn't have regular unleaded miraculously received delivery and began selling the less expensive gas. Like short sellers and speculators these people succumbed to the greatest sin of all, human greed.

Speculators and unscrupulous business people have no respect for what is in the best interest of the country, instead they are guided by their own self interest. Their daily quest for more and more dollars have blinded them as to the effect their greed is having on the everyday citizen and their country. As Congress debates the Treasury Secretary's plan to save us from the upcoming disaster they must back away from party partisanship and for once consider what is best for the country. They must finally do something to free us from foreign oil, like passing a real energy bill that will allow drilling without all of the restrictions and limitations. They and the regulators of the markets must keep an eye out for the greedy speculator and CEOs that have little or no concern for their country. Our future depends on what this congress does in the next couple of days. If they continue on as a Do Nothing Congress concerned only with winning an election, then our future is grim at best.

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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Dems Using Fear To Win An Election

Author: Ron Spangler

It was Harry Reid that said, "The war is lost."

It was Barack Obama that said, "The surge will not work."

It was John McCain that said, "I would rather lose an election than lose a war."

It was Nancy Pelosi that said, "No offshore drilling."

It is John McCain saying, "Drill and drill Now."

It was FDR that said, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself."

It is the Dems today saying, "Be afraid, be very afraid."

It seems today the Dems are saying, "I would rather destroy America than lose an election."

The State of America is still at the critical level, one step away from recession. The market is in turmoil but not in chaos. Compared to other countries our production rate, unemployment rate, our overall economic growth rate and low inflation are things to be envied. Like the rest of the world our economy is slowing down and will continue to slow until after the November election. Small business is continuing on but with all the talk coming from the media, driving fear into the hearts of the consumers, retail sales will continue to drop. If this continues our economy will fall into a recession or worse.

At the time Roosevelt made his famous speech America and the world was in far greater danger than anything we are facing today. Listening to the Democrats and the media you would never guess this to be true. Very few people understand or pay attention to the stock market or the commodities market in America. This is true of the media anchors and commentators and the majority of politicians. These people count on stock brokers, so called market experts, and business people to tell them what is wrong or right with our economy and the markets. Sometimes these experts are wrong and the people that invest in the market lose money. When this happens like it has this week, the media goes crazy and warns the country that the world may be coming to an end.

When everyone was able to buy a home and the government was spending money on the Woodstock Museum and the Bridge to Nowhere, the commentators and news anchors laughed and called it politics as usual. It didn't bother them because they were making money not only from their high paying positions but also from a market that was continuing to rise. Now that the same people are losing money they are out for blood and blame, mostly aimed at the President and Republicans. This is playing right into the Democratic play book. Scare the voter bad enough and convince them it is only the Republicans to blame and we will win the election. It may work.

If people would reflect back on some of the things that this country has gone through over the last eight years they may have a different outlook on our future. Not only did we face 9/11 but this country has faced devastating hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, fires and yes market manipulation and bad business schemes by unscrupulous greedy people that destroyed investors retirements. With every disaster America and our economy continued along, the world did not come to an end. Today is no different, the world will not end and America will survive. The only way we will lose is if we the voters decide that our lives are over and we fall into a depression deep enough to elect a person President that is nothing more than a puppet for the Far Left of his party.

Democrats hate the fact that they lost the Presidential election twice and have vowed not to lose it again, no matter what. They have been running for office ever since November 2006. In 2007 this 'Do Nothing Congress' saw what was happening not only at Fannie/Freddie but on Wall Street. They decided they would rather see the economy fall into hard times and give them a platform to run on rather than take action and prevent the turmoil we are facing today. Congressional leaders took no action and oversight committees and regulators failed to rein in a runaway market. This was no accident on the part of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Now they say there are no Democrats at fault and only the President and Republicans are at fault. This is absurd.

Using fear and uncertainty the Democrats may get what they want in November. The only problem is they may inherit something that the three amigos Obama, Pelosi and Reid are ill equipped to handle. As we speak Russia is making a move on the oil in the Arctic by laying claim to most of the known oil reserves that are there. Nancy and Harry have passed scam bills in Congress for new drilling offshore. Do to all of the limitations they know their bills will not help free us from foreign oil. They still refuse to allow us to go after our own natural gas. Will they stand up to Russia or will we become dependent on Russia for our oil and natural gas?

The three amigos and other Democratic Party leaders are smart. They understand that fear and depression begets fear and depression. They know that if they play the blame game right and convince the American public it is all the fault of the President and the Republicans the voters will roll the dice on Obama. They are ready to gamble the future of America and do or say whatever it takes to win this election. If fear and depression leads to another depression then that is the price they are willing to pay. Recessions and Depressions do not hurt the politicians that have made their millions and hid them away for rainy days. In their world winning is not everything, its the only thing. Their greed for power and absolute hatred of George Bush has driven them into a psychotic state of mind. Their vision of the world has become completely obscured by the thought of gaining absolute power of the country. The power that was given to this Congress in 2006 has not just corrupted this Congress, the power has corrupted them absolutely.

If Americans continues to listen to the media and its glass half empty reporting then we may find the glass empty in 2009. If we look at the situation and decide to gamble on America instead of Wall Street and the media, we may avoid a disastrous four years with the three amigos. It is up to the American voter.

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hilliary Towing Obama Line

Author: Ron Spangler

With all of the rumors floating around the Obama campaign that Hilliary will soon replace Joe Biden on the Democrat ticket, it seems Hilliary is towing the Obama line. While most of the media is downplaying her recent dissing of the Jewish community by refusing to appear at their rally, simply because Sarah Palin was also invited, some in the media did run it this morning. The rally was in protest to Ahmadinejad appearing at the UN, his position on Israel and his quest for nuclear weapons. After 1st agreeing to appear and speak at the rally Hilliary backed out after hearing Sarah Palin had also been invited and was going to speak. The two were not scheduled to appear together so people are wandering what really was behind her decision to cancel.

Some in the Obama campaign and most of the Hollywood crowd, of which Obama made his latest appearance at a cost of $30,000 per person, are pushing Obama to find a way to drop Biden and add Hilliary to the ticket. Some supporters in the Obama campaign are upset and tell me Obama and Biden are considering different ways to do this. They are telling me that a decision is forthcoming, hopefully before the Vice Presidential debate.

One scenario will be Biden making a public announcement that he must step down for family reasons, but he will be campaigning as frequently as possible for Sen Obama. This will open the door for Hilliary to reluctantly but gracefully answer the call of her country in the most important campaign of our lives.

With Hilliary backing out today and past speeches of Biden, "Hilliary is more qualified than me for vice president", it is not out of the realm of possibility that Obama's floundering campaign may try this. Hilliary's decision to back out of the rally may backfire with the Jewish community. It is no secret the Jewish community has for the most part always supported the Democrats, now many in the community feel her decision to be a slap in the face. Looking back at all of the people Obama has thrown off his bus when things are starting to get tough, it is highly possible what I'm being told could come to pass. Don't feel bad for Biden if this happens. He will be all for it since Obama has promised him a cabinet level position of his choice. Once Jan 20th comes around Biden's family problems will be resolved. The question remains whether or not the American voter will see it as a scam to answer the Sarah Palin threat.

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

America Modern Day Zorro

Author: Ron Spangler

Growing up one of my favorite mythical characters was Zorro. His battle to protect the poor peasants of California from the repression of the upper class and tyrannical rule of the Spanish governors was something I could relate to. His weapons included his sense of fair play, love for his country and the oppressed people of California, his ability to deceive the tyrants and gain valuable knowledge on ways to defeat them and free the people from poverty and oppression, his courage and strength to continue the fight even when it looked hopeless, and finally his sword that he used to protect the weak and combat his enemies.

Today we have a real life man, not a myth, that has much of the same characteristics as my childhood hero Zorro. Like Zorro he was raised in an economically blessed family steeped in a tradition of service to country. His ancestors had a long history of serving in the military and putting their country first. Like our mythical Zorro, this gave our modern day Zorro the opportunity to obtain higher level education not always available to the lower class citizens. Both men learned from the upper class but identified more with the average citizen than they did with the powerful and privileged that ruled the country. While living their lives they experienced atrocities that would shape the rest of their lives and awakened a hidden strength that would allow them to fight against evil, injustice and tyranny without seeking glorification or celebrity treatment for the battles they would fight.

The weapons of our modern day Zorro are much the same as the mythical Zorro. His ability to walk amongst the rich and powerful even though they suspect him of not being on their side, using his position to learn the weaknesses of the powerful and the corrupt in order to bring them down, his unwavering dedication to country and sense of fair play for the American people, his sense of honor and placing America first, and finally his courage to stand alone fighting for what he knows in his heart to be the right decision for his country and the citizens he has sworn to protect.

In his military days his weapon was a Navy jet, today his weapon is his position as a US Senator, tomorrow it will be the Office of the President. Our modern day Zorro? Who else but John McCain.

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Monday, September 15, 2008

US Economy Who Is Really At Fault

Author: Ron Spangler

Throughout American history it has always been easy to blame our presidents for everything that could possibly go wrong in America and for that matter around the world. The reason we blame our presidents is because we believe one man has total control of the nation. We somehow think our presidents have the ability to look into the future and make new laws that will prevent new catastrophes from ever occurring. We forget unless the president has total control of everything our Congress does, he cannot make any new laws. The one area the President has the most power in is conducting foreign policy and even here when it comes to treaties and war he has his limitations.

In today's election climate everything known to man has been blamed on one man, President Bush. Senator Obama has said Bush is at fault for invading Iraq and consequentially fighting a loosing war that has made America less safe. Senator Obama has blamed President Bush for mishandling everything in New Orleans during hurricane Katrina. Senator Obama has blamed President Bush for the downturn in the American economy. And now Senator Obama is trying to scare the American people into believing Senator McCain is some kind of clone of President Bush.

Here are some facts:

Every Ally and our American Congress believed Hussein had to be replaced and voted to forcibly remove his regime. Obama had the luxury of not being in the Senate at the time and did not have to vote. Considering his record of voting over 90% in concurrence with his party we have to wonder if he would have voted yes like most of his party or went against the popular decision at the time and voted no. During his Democratic Primaries, at the time he was belittling Sen Clinton for her vote on the war, he was quoted as saying:

"I think what people might point to is our different assessments of the war in Iraq," Obama said at the time, "although I’m always careful to say that I was not in the Senate, so perhaps the reason I thought it was such a bad idea was that I didn't have the benefit of U.S. intelligence."

Was the war mishandled, probably so. Just like President Lincoln had to find his General Grant, President Bush had to find his General Patraeus. What makes Senator Obama think he is smarter than the generals we train to fight our wars, now I know, it must be all of the intense military training and experience he has had fighting in past wars.

Has the war ended in Iraq, no. Are we winning in Iraq, yes. Will Al Qaeda try to make another comeback with spectacular attacks in Iraq in order to sway our Nov elections, probably. Will Obama use it to say, "See I was right. The war is lost, we must reduce our forces and leave the fighting to the Iraqis." The answers is yes he will.

After hurricane Katrina Senator Obama and the media blamed everything that went wrong in New Orleans on President Bush. In Senator Obama's world the President has total control of every governor and mayor in America. At the time, Obama seemed to think all state and local decisions were made at the federal level by the President. He somehow thought the President personally ran every department of the government and all decisions including where to stage buses that would be used for evacuations. With the last two hurricanes Obama has refused to congratulate President Bush on how well these disasters have been handled or admit that with different governors and mayors we sometimes have a completely different outcome to similar disasters.

Senator Obama has now began to use a line from President Reagan's first presidential campaign. Obama is asking, "Are you better off now than you were eight years ago?" For the first six years most Americans would answer yes. Since the 2006 election the economy started a slow decent and with the sharp increases in the price of energy over the last year and the housing market bubble bursting, most Americans have experienced hard times making ends meet. Until oil hit $140 a barrel and gas prices went over $4.00 a gallon the unemployment rate was under 6%. With the cost of fuel effecting everything the results have been;
a) industry has cut back
b) consumers cannot afford to spend money on nonessential products and
c) the unemployment rate went over 6%.

During this time the Congress has been controlled by Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Starting in 2007 the president asked Congress to open up America to more drilling and free ourselves from foreign oil. Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and most in Congress said no. They said we know where the oil is and we have given 68 million acres, drill there. The experts told Congress there is not enough oil in these leases to make it worth drilling for, let us drill off the coast in the same area Cuba and China are getting ready to drill. Congress is still saying no. As their position became more unpopular Democrats started to rebel against their leaders. Nancy Pelosi told them, "that's OK let me take the blame for not allowing a vote on drilling. I will be re-elected you will get re-elected and we still will not allow drilling." After Senator Obama started to drop in the polls over his position on oil, he now embraces "limited drilling" and Pelosi says she will allow some bills to come before the House. Now they are working on a bill in the Senate but neither will have a chance before the Congress adjourns.

The effects of this Democrat controlled and led "Do Nothing Congress" are now being seen in our economy. For two years they have made a lot of promises but stood by and watched as our economy began its decent into dangerous territory. For two years they criticized and blamed the President for everything, yet they have not sent one Bill to the President that addresses the real issue, the cost of energy. As the speculators bail out of the oil market, due to investigations of market manipulation and cutbacks in demand for oil, the price of oil has fallen below $96 a barrel. With the recent hurricane Ike greed has resurfaced in the form of gasoline price gouging and Congress, Pelosi and Reid remain silent. The refineries were undamaged but gasoline in the Southeast and along the East coast have sky rocketed overnight. The media and some governors say its due to companies speculating there will be gas shortages later on. Meanwhile these companies are seeing higher and higher profits from these price increases and the consumer is getting hosed. President Bush has warned price gouging will be prosecuted and placed getting the refineries back on line a top priority.

The question Senator Obama should be asking is will Americans be better off with a Pelosi, Reid, Obama government rather than with a McCain/Palin government. In November the American voter will answer this question and this "Do Nothing Congress" may be in for a big surprise. Two years of doing nothing but trying to run and win another election has worn very thin with the American public.

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Friday, September 12, 2008

What Alaska Has To Offer

Author: Ron Spangler

One of the many responsibilities of governors is to bring revenue to their state. It can be everything from new industry to tourism. Governor Palin has done an exceptional job but fortunately for her, Alaska has a great deal to offer that many Americans are not aware of. I found a great link that might help to inform anyone that is considering what Alaska might have to offer.

Things to Do

Alaska is BIG! When planning your trip allow enough time for the region(s) you want to see and the things you want to do. All you need to do is determine what type of activities and adventures top your must do list and choose the region(s) that offer those experiences. Alaska offers the following and more:


Wildlife Viewing

Adventure & Ecotourism


Restaurants & Nightlife



If you are interested in finding out more about Alaska I suggest you go to: Discover Alaska

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Sarah Palin As Seen On Nightline

In the following interview of Sarah Palin as aired on 'Nightline' notice it is the same interview with Charlie Gibson (Part 2) without the heavy handed editing. Maybe it is because they were moving around outside and heavy editing would have been too obvious.

Now compare this to the earlier Part 1 Gibson vs Palin interview.

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Thursday, September 11, 2008

ABC Charlie Gibson Sinks To New Low

ABC Charlie Gibson sank to a new low with the first Palen interview. ABC's decision to deliberately over edit the Vice Presidential Nominee's answers were below any fair and balanced standards of reporting.

Time after time during the question and answer period Sarah Palen's answers were heavily edited and cut short. Watching the video the viewer was left wandering what was the rest of the answer to Charlie's question. Sarah's lips were moving but no sound was coming out.

Scoring this interview I would have to score it Palen 1, Gibson 0. If this is the type of interviews we will see from the rest of the media in the future, maybe we should just call it off and head to the ballot box today.

I cannot understand what was going on the the editor's mind or why Charlie Gibson would allow someone to cut her answers in mid sentence. I have watched a lot of interviews of candidates and cannot remember watching a candidate talk without the words coming out. The only thing I can surmise from such heavy handed editing is Charlie did not like the complete answer that Sarah Palen gave for his questions.

This can only be seen as a terrible interview of which Sarah Palen won hands down.

Due to comments about this interview and what I saw, here is the video as aired on ABC World News

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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

American Presidents and the Age Factor

With all of the discussion and constant reminder of Senator McCain's age, I did a little research on the question of past American Presidents and the age factor. I found something I thought was interesting when it comes to the question of how age determines whether or not a candidate can be elected, if he is perceived to be old.

According to the US 12th Census 1891-1900 report, the life expectancy for the average American was 48 yrs old for males and 51 for females.

By 1950 it had increased to 65.6 for men and 71.1 for women. Ref:
Lone Star College - Kingwood

For 2004 the average age was 75.2 men and 80.4 women. Ref: U.S. Census Bureau 2008 Statistical Abstract

From the 1st President George Washington to the 25t President William McKinley each have been at or above the average life expectancy for that particular period in time. Their average age at the time they took office was 55. This meant they were 6 yrs older than the average life expectancy and considered old for their time. This is a statistic, Ref: United States Presidents by age

The fact is for the first 25 Presidents every one was above the average life expectancy at the time they took office.

It wasn't until the election of Herbert Hoover in 1929 that the situation turned around. Hoover was 54 yrs old when he was sworn in and the life expectancy for men was 58.1 After Hoover every President, except Harry Truman and Ronald Reagan, have been below the average life expectancy for men. Harry Truman assumed office at the age of 60 yrs 11 months 4 days in 1945 after the death of Franklin Roosevelt. The average life expectancy at the time was 60.8 Ronald Reagan was 69 years 11 months 14 days in 1981 and the life expectancy was 69.9

Due to the increase in the average life expectancy for the average American, today its projected to reach 75.5 for men and 81.4 for women by 2010, the average age for Presidents at the time they take office is well below the average life expectancy age. Since Hoover it has averaged out to be 54.5 at the age of taking office.

So looking at all of these numbers, what does it tell us. For me it says most of our past Presidents could be considered old at the time they were sworn into office. It tells me, in comparison with life expectancy at the time of their presidency only John Kennedy and Bill Clinton could be considered young. It says age cannot be a factor since we have had some pretty good Presidents that many would have considered old at the time. Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Lincoln, Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower and Reagan were all considered old at the time.

Maybe we had a different outlook at the time these men were elected. Maybe we had a totally different respect for older people. Maybe we thought with a little age came a lot of experience and knowledge. Maybe we should return to those days.

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Monday, September 8, 2008

Visiting Our Southern Borders

by Ron Spangler
After visiting our Southern Borders and speaking with agents fresh out of the academy and agents with ten or more years service, I have a new perspective of our Border Patrol. Like most of the agents that have served for ten or more years the new agents feel they are serving their country the same as if they were serving in the military or any other law enforcement organization. They are exactly right.

Being older I can still remember how Americans looked down on our Border Patrol as nothing more than under payed security guys with the sole missions of harassing migrant workers and confiscating fruits and vegetables from law abiding citizens traveling between Arizona and California. Unfortunately some Americans today still view our agents not as Federal Law Enforcement agents fully trained in Federal Law but see them more as a security force with no law enforcement responsibility. A large portion of Americans are misinformed about the primary mission of the Border Patrol. Since the attacks on 9/11 the Border Patrol has become our primary defense from terrorists entering our country along our borders. Along with this new mission has come the responsibility of understanding and enforcing our laws and procedures in both Federal and Civil apprehensions of wanted suspects trying to enter or exit the United States. Not one agent that I spoke to harbored an ill will or hatred for any illegal that was trying to enter the US for a purely economical reason. On the other hand they are extremely dedicated to stopping the flow of drugs, illegal weapons, human smuggling and any terrorist trying to cross our borders.

While it may sound funny, I have had people ask me if agents are allowed to carry guns. When I explained that Border Patrol Agents have much of the same responsibilities and authority as the FBI, ATF, DEA, or the Federal Marshals Service people seemed shocked. Maybe with the increased numbers of young men and women joining the Border Patrol, people will have a better understanding of what they do every day and every night year end and year out. Having a better understanding for some of the things agents see and do may have an impact on how they are treated when they are accused of some horrendous act like shooting a drug smuggler or accidentally hitting illegals hiding in the brush in the middle of the desert.

We hear a lot about cases like;
Father Of Girl Killed by Border Patrol Truck Sues but we hear very little about anything else.

In the case of the little girl getting killed, the lawyers and media want to leave out the fact that the father was hiding his little girl in the bushes. The agent was pursuing a group of people suspected of being smugglers or possible terrorists. The trucks they drive off road in the desert must set high off the ground and sometimes impairs the vision of the agent, especially when people are hiding trying to avoid detection. While our hearts go out for the loss of life of such a young innocent child, I would ask who is really in the wrong. Is it the parent that placed the child in the dangerous situation or the agent that was trying to do his duty. I would remind people that all of these agents are Americans with families too.

While I was on the border here are some stories you didn't see in the national media:

Tucson Sector Border Patrol Agents Deliver Baby

Border Patrol agents assigned to the Naco Station found 20 illegal aliens in a remote area of the Coronado National Forest. Before the group could be transported to the Naco Station, one of the women stated that she was pregnant and that her water had broken. Before Emergency Medical Service personnel could arrive, the woman gave birth. Border Patrol agents at the scene assisted with delivering the child and provided medical assistance. EMS arrived and transported the woman and child. Border Patrol agents are all certified as First Responders prior to graduating from the Border Patrol Academy. Through July 31, Tucson Sector Border Patrol agents have rescued 382 individuals.

Furniture Stuffed with Drugs in Arizona
U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers foiled a sophisticated smuggling attempt at the Naco port of entry yesterday when they discovered 1,595 packages of marijuana hidden inside wooden entertainment centers coming from Mexico. Estimated street value of the seized drugs is more than $2.7 million. The driver of the vehicle was arrested and turned over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement for further investigation.

Border Patrol Agents Find Deceased Man in Desert

Border Patrol agents were tracking a group of four individuals who had made an illegal entry into the United States by walking across the border through the open desert. With assistance of U.S. Customs and Border Protection Air and Marine pilots, Border Patrol agents arrested an illegal alien who was spotted running in the desert in the general vicinity.

After Border Patrol agents apprehended the individual he told agents of a second person who was suffering from heat related illness and guided agents back to the victim’s location. Agents were able to locate the second man, who was unresponsive. The Border Patrol Search Trauma and Rescue team was quickly activated but was unable to resuscitate the individual.

While on scene with the victim the remaining two aliens from the original group surrendered to agents trying to revive the victim. It was determined that the surviving three individuals were illegal aliens and were subsequently detained. All were given water then transported to the El Centro Border Patrol Station for processing.

During processing, it was learned that the suspected smuggler guide was among the three individuals that were rescued and is now being held at the Imperial County jail.

Border Patrol Arrests Armed Human Smugglers

Tucson Station agents arrested a U.S. citizen and four illegal aliens, three of whom were concealed in the trunk of the vehicle. In this incident, as the driver exited the vehicle, a loaded 9mm pistol was discovered under the seat.

All individuals were taken into custody and transported to the Tucson Station for further processing. The U.S. citizen driver was arrested for alien smuggling and endangerment.

Border Patrol agents from the Douglas Station, stopped two female U.S. citizens on Highway 191 approximately 38 miles north of the border. While questioning the driver agents noticed a handgun lying by the side of the driver and movement under a pile of blankets in the rear seat area. Agents then discovered two illegal aliens hiding on the floor board under the pile blankets.

The two U.S. citizen females and the two illegal aliens were placed under arrest. Agents then searched the vehicle and people under custody, discovering drug paraphernalia and a small bottle containing marijuana.

One of the U.S. citizens will be held pending prosecution for alien smuggling with endangerment.

Border Patrol Agents Assist Injured Dune Enthusiast

Border Patrol agents rendered assistance to a sand dune enthusiast who suffered an accident in the Imperial Sand Dunes Recreational Area on Sunday.

About 12:15 p.m., Border Patrol agents were flagged down by a friend of the victim near the Buttercup Valley in the Imperial Sand Dunes. The agents arrived on scene and found that a female United States citizen was on the ground and having difficulty breathing after an apparent ATV accident. Upon further evaluation by a Border Patrol Search Trauma and Rescue team agent, it was determined that she had possible neck and spinal injuries.

A “Life Flight” medical helicopter was requested and she was flown to the Palm Desert Hospital in California for more advanced medical care.

There are a lot more stories that need to be told, these are only a few. They should be a reminder to the American public that agents are not guarding our borders to harass poor Mexican immigrants but are there to Protect and Serve America.

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Friday, September 5, 2008

Nothing To Be Ashamed Of, A LIfe To Be Proud Of

Author: Ron Spangler

This is in response to a blog recently sent to me from a friend, Conservative Politics Today

Being a Vietnam Vet myself, I have always understood how John McCain's experience in Vietnam shaped not only the man but also the rest of his life. In the case of Sen McCain once he had been broken, like so many other POWs before and after him, he had the good fortune of receiving the understanding and support from fellow POWs. After our return home Vietnam Vets had a choice to make. Like every veteran that has seen how disgusting war really is we had to decide whether we would let the bad experiences we had been through destroy the rest of our lives or learn from the experience and try to create a better world for our families and our country.

Most combat veterans do not glorify war or their personal experience in war with the general public or strangers. Upon their return home vets talk to vets, and John McCain was no exception. Most of the time it takes years for vets to open up and speak about their experience, some never do. Over the years I have met and had the privilege to work alongside former POWs. I still remember the images of Vietnam POWs being paraded before cameras signing documents denouncing the war and confessing to all types of criminal acts. Only those POWs can understand how ashamed they are to admit they were broken and forced to say things they never thought they could ever say. They have nothing to be ashamed of, they should have nothing less than our respect and admiration for being able to endure and carry on a respectable life committed to making the world a better place and serving their country first.

John McCain's experience of being broken by his captors is nothing new. Every man or woman has their breaking point and in every war there have been POWs that have reached that breaking point. Our enemies have always used prisoners as propaganda to win a war by demoralizing Americans at home and our troops on the ground. It happened in WWII, Korea and Vietnam. Unfortunately our history books no longer teach the younger generation the complete story of why we go to war or how our soldiers are treated by their enemies. By never telling the story of people like John McCain young soldiers entering harms way and people that have never experienced military service or the atrocities of war may find themselves believing they would never break in similar circumstances. Maybe the story of John McCain and fellow prisoners of war will give Americans a better understanding of America and what makes the American people so proud to be Americans.

Through his story average Americans are discovering John McCain is more like us than any Presidential candidate running for office. Every American will face one point in their life that will be their breaking point but more than likely Americans will use this experience to pick themselves up and carry on with a productive and better life. Like John McCain we are not a one size fits all society. We must put our country first and not be beholding to any single political party or person but be beholding to all Americans and America itself. I too have had my difference with Sen McCain, but I have found that he is not only brave enough to go against his party he is also brave enough to listen to the people, change his mind and commit to do the will of the people.

I have spent over two weeks on our southern borders talking with Border Patrol Agents, new graduates of the Border Patrol Academy and citizens living along the border states. The promised commitment to secure our borders is becoming a reality. After speaking with new graduates and seasoned older agents I cannot express enough how proud I am of them for their dedication, sacrifice, belief in serving their country and willingness to pay the ultimate sacrifice for protecting our country. Sen McCain has committed himself to support their efforts and secure our borders, I trust and believe he will see this commitment become a reality.

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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Campbell Brown Latest Tabloid Journalist

Meet CNN' latest tabloid journalist Alma Dale Campbell Brown. She likes to call herself a respectable journalist but since joining CNN with her own show Election Center 2008 she has become nothing more than a Obama surrogate at best and just another tabloid journalist at their worst.

With her latest attacks on Governor Palen and her lack of knowledge on responsibilities of governors around the country, Campbell Brown's credentials as a unbiased creditable journalist have been burned in the political fires of 2008. Seldom do I get so upset with so called journalist that I would lower myself to respond to some of the incredible stories they try to perpetuate as true journalism onto the American public. The self righteous rantings that have been coming out of this woman's mouth have left me dumb founded. She is nothing more than a female Keith Olbermann.

I wander how she would like people delving into her family history and looking down on her for mistakes her family members have made?

Example: Her father
Louisiana Democratic State Senator, Secretary of State, and Insurance Commissioner James H. Brown Jr was indicted, convicted and served a federal prison sentence for lying to the FBI during a routine investigation in 1999.

How about lying or misleading her fans while she was on NBC News Weekend Today?

Example: Her excuse for leaving NBC was I'm pregnant and I am taking time off to be with my family. The truth was she had already signed on with CNN but her contract was not up with NBC. Brown announced July 22, 2007 on Weekend Today, she would be leaving NBC after 11 years to devote time to her family and expected baby. The next day, CNN confirmed it had hired Brown, and that Brown would start work for CNN in February 2008.

The truth is Campbell Brown has loyalties to nobody but herself and her Democrat Party. She will do and say anything to get Obama elected. She questions how Governor Palen can handle a family and be Vice President yet forgets her child was born in December of 2007 and she started work 2 months later with CNN.

She believes she has a home at CNN but I predict like so many before her, her time with this organization is limited. Maybe her next stop will be MSNBC or The National Enquirer.

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